Javier Gandasegui

MSc Bioinformatics and Genetic Epidemiology student
Google Scholar

Javi spent the final stages of his MSc Bioinformatics and Genetic Epidemiology course (run from Cardiff University) doing a 3 months project with Steve over the 2021 UK summer.

Javi worked on the project “Understanding the population genomics of the dog heartworm, Dirofilaria immitis”, which made use of a number of different publicly-available genomic datasets to ask questions about the genetic relatedness and population structure among globally-distributed parasite isolates in the context of anthelmintic resistance.

Although he was working remotely, he did a great job, picking up the informatics quickly and putting together a solid thesis.

Javi has moved back to his “day job” at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal, Spain), Spain, where he works on soil-transmitted helminths with the STOP Consortium.


Genome structure and population genomics of the canine heartworm Dirofilaria immitis

Ivermectin and albendazole coadministration: opportunities for strongyloidiasis control

An adaptive phase II/III safety and efficacy randomized controlled trial of single day or three-day fixed-dose albendazole-ivermectin co-formulation versus albendazole for the treatment of Trichuris trichiura and other STH infections. ALIVE trial protocol