Julia spent three months in late 2022 visting the Doyle lab at Sanger as part of a workplace placement program for her PhD.
During her stay, Julia took on the daunting task of learning bioinformatics from scratch! Quickly picking up command line skills, she quickly moved on to analysing sequencing data generated from Trichuris trichiura sampled from Barbary macaque or Gibraltar macaque (Macaca sylvanus) in Spain. This analysis follows on nicely from Julia’s previous paper describing morphological and single gene variants within this species. Julia compared her data to some of our existing genomic data of T. trichiura obtained from human and non-human primate hosts described in our recent Nature Communications paper, exploring zoonotic relationships between parasites and their hosts.
Julia has returned home, due to complete her PhD at the Universidad de Sevilla in 2023. Best of luck!