Population genomics of ancient and modern Trichuris trichiura
Overview of workflow and code used in the analysis
The code used in this project has been divided into workbooks based on the analysis performed, which are listed below. Each workbook can be accessed using the hyperlinks.
- Reference genome
- Genome completeness using BUSCO
- Transfer of gene models using LiftOff
- Running interproscan on liftoff annotation
- Project setup
- Prepare reference genome
- Raw sequence data
- metadata
- trimming of the raw reads
- FIX: merge duplicate ancient read sets
- Mapping
- kraken - modern samples
- kraken - ancient samples
- pmdtools
- plot deamination frequencies
- trim bases from reads in bam to remove deamination
- Genome wide coverage
- Generate quantitative stats on coverage for supplementary tables
- generate some coverage plots
- Genome-wide coverage to determine worm sex
- Genome scope to estimate heterozyosity
- Filter the VCF - SNPable
- Filter the VCF - hardfilter
- Querying SNP and INDEL QC profiles to determine thresholds for filters
- Applying filters to the variants
- merge VCFs
- Filter genotypes based on depth per genotype
- Sample missingness
- Generate an ALL SITES variant set for running pixy
- World map
- Sampling timepoints
- Map of ancient DNA sites, with Fst data showing degree of connectivity between populations
- PCA of mitochondrial variants
- PCA of nuclear variants
- IBS and Coviance matrices
- Single allele analyses of mitochondrial and nuclear variants
- Admixture plots
- Clumpak to determine optimal K
- Treemix
- plotting treemix data
- Estimating the optimal number of migration edges
- calculate the variance explained by the data
- Prepared data and run admixtools
- plotting admix data
- run smc++
- plot all smcpp plots together
- Running pixy to calculate nucleotide diversity, dXY and Fst between groups
- analyses of nucleotide diversity (Pi)
- dXY and Fst
- extracting top X% of Fst values for each comparison
- Private and shared variation between populations
- Ancient DNA - nucleotide diversity vs sampling age
- Sample Heterozygosity vs sequencing coverage
- Relatedness and kinship between samples in a population
- genome-wide analyses presented in the original draft of the manuscript
- Analysis of variation within beta tubulin
- Reanalysis of nucleotide diversity around beta-tubulin